Aragon, Georgia, is a small yet intriguing city located in Polk County, United States. Renowned for its Southern charm, Aragon showcases the tranquil essence of small-town living. Despite its modest size, it is steeped richly in history, offering unique attractions such as the Aragon Mill, an iconic cotton mill that played a significant role in the town's development. The city boasts a warm, welcoming community and a serene ambiance, offering a delightful escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Whether it's the tree-lined streets, historical landmarks, or authentic Southern hospitality, Aragon offers an exceptional blend of tranquility and culture.
Gravity Motor Cars is Aragon's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 468 Cobb Parkway SE, Marietta, GA 30060.